About Me

     Like most happy moms, I love my kids more than anything else in the world.  They are beautiful, and continue to amaze me each minute of every day.  I don't think I fully appreciated love and happiness until I had my first child in 2007 and then my second child in 2009.  I am lucky enough to be a stay at home mom for awhile right now, and treasure each day I get to play with them, teach them, love them, tickle them, and hold them.  If I could, I think I would stop time for awhile.  I'm in denial that they are growing up, even though I love being a part of the milestones they make each day.  My goal is to raise happy, healthy children and have fun doing it!
     My other love is my husband.  We were married in 2003 on a beautiful November day at the beach.  He is a great husband and father.  He treasures the time spent with  our kids just as much as I do, so he makes every minute count when he is home with them.  The boys love their daddy and want to be just like him!  I love watching all of us grow as a family.
     I don't take my happiness for granted, and I realize that I am truly blessed in my life.  I am a happy mommy, with happy kids.  And I am grateful for that.