Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Before and After ...Amazing Creativity

OK, so what do think of my new table?  Beautiful right?  My two year old always tells me, "Mommy, you can do anything."  I can turn this into something nice, don't cha think?


Well, here's the finished product.

Ha!  Mommy can't do everything sweetie!  I wish.  Better After highlights some awesome projects from the blogging world.  I'm up to my ears right now in potty training, teething, and just finding my sanity again after the birth of my second son.  So in the meantime I'm going to make my dream book that Cami made at Creating by Cami.

I'll keep track of my dream ideas like this one so that when I have my sanity back I am ready to go.  Way cool table.  Would like great in my dining room.  Some day Mommy.  Some day.  Until then I'll paste little pictures in my dream book and cherish the time spent laughing and playing with my baby boys and Mr. Potato Head. 

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